TrainingWe learn through trainingThe node56 group offer high quality training packages which we can be tailored to your specifications and budget. We have a selection of successful training packages. EddiEddi is an alternative education and training package we deliver in partnership with The Drop Inn. To see the background and origins of this training package please jump to thedropinn.org/education. Our company got involved after branding the package and expanding the content on offer.
The whole package contains 6 NOCN accredited awards of which we deliver 3 known as Eddi:Creative. The Drop Inn delivers the other 3 awards known as Eddi:Alternative. Together the partnership forms Eddi - Creative solutions to Alternative Education.
Radio CtrlLearn how to run your own radio show, broadcast your own ideas. This package involves a wide variety of different elements and skills. Radio Ctrl was originally started as work with in Derbyshire schools funded by Derbyshire County Council. It was used on several intergenerational projects linking generations in different communities.
EditThe Edit package is designed to tackle ASB / Drugs and Alcohol misuse amongst young people in communities. This package has been set up to engage young people in running a 'safe event' within their community. This project came from The Drop Inn's 'safe rave' program which was a great example of under 18's provision tackling the identified issues. We took this working model and broadened the opportunities for young people.